Max Air Purifier
- Rated #1 in the ONLY Comprehensive University Study for performance you need.
- Light weight and easy to be moved around.
- AirPurifierRating.org overall Best Air Purifier 2020.
- Best seller for home owners
- COVID19 size about 0.12 microns where the removal rate with each air pass is 98.67%

Recommended Area
750 sqft (2 ACH)
Home rooms & work place area

Ideal For
Minor allergy sufferers

Effective For
Light odours and gasses, dust, pollen, dust mites and pet dander
Technical Specifications
Maximum Airflow
Pollen 258 cfm
Dust 234 cfm
Smoke 217 cfm
Power / Voltage
123 W, 220-240 V, 50 Hz
Maximum Noise Level
53 dB (A)
Area Guideline
1 ACH – 1,500 sqft
2 ACH – 750 sqft
3 ACH – 500 sqft
4 ACH – 375 sqft
5 ACH – 300 sqft
44.5 x 57 x 21 cm
7.5 kg
3 years
Max Replacement Filters

Max Filter Set
- Consist of pre-filter, HEPA filter and activated carbon filter.
- HEPA filter ratings of MERV 16 tested to remove 99% of airborne particulates size at 0.3 microns.
- Recommended replacement cycle every 12 months

Max Pre-Filter
- Cleanable mesh filter
- Vacuum lightly to preserve the shape, DO NOT wash
- Recommended replacement cycle every 6-12 months